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For about fifty years Italo Segalini has dedicated himself with great passion and expert sensitivity to the search for masterpieces painted by the best artists of the 19th century, with particular attention to the work of Italian authors.

Its gallery offers works of art of the highest quality, ranging from the most prestigious Brescian artists such as Angelo Inganni, Eugenio Amus, Arnaldo Soldini, Giovanni Renica and Achille Glisenti, to names of the highest prestige such as Giovanni Boldini, Federico Zandomeneghi, Massimo D' Azeglio, Giacomo Grosso...

Among the paintings chosen for this exhibition are masterpieces of extraordinary significance such as the imposing painting Holy Family by Giacomo Grosso, and the large painting Muzio Attendolo Sforza throwing the ax into the tree by Massimo Tapparelli D'Azeglio, together with works that already they have been exhibited in exhibitions set up at the most prestigious national museum institutions.

Massimo D'Azzeglio

Massimo Taparelli D'Azeglio

"Muzio Attendolo Sforza throwing the ax at the tree"

Oil on canvas 177 x 247 cm

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Giacomo Grosso

"Holy Family"

Oil on canvas 253 x 395 cm

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Enrico Crespi

"In church"

Oil on canvas 150 x 200 cm

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The project will be accompanied by an important concert series entrusted to the talent of some of the most successful Italian concert players.


All of them had the good fortune to know Maestro Angelo Gilardino; for some he has represented a fundamental teacher in their artistic career and they have had the privilege of extending the didactic and professional relationship to a relationship of deep esteem and friendship.

All of them have masterfully performed compositions by the master of which they were often the direct dedicatees, of which they have given the absolute "premiere" and recorded interpretations of great quality.

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J. B. Lully - Marcia Cerimonia dei Turchi
00:00 / 00:00
S. Barber - String Adagio
00:00 / 00:00
A. Vivaldi - Estate, III movimaneto
00:00 / 00:00
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Via Viviani 2, 13100 Vercelli

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tel. 334 8583346

© 2023 by PREGIO by MARCO de SANTI

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